Project detail - SUSI Asia Energy Transition Fund SCSp

SUSI Asia Energy Transition Fund SCSp

Status: Proposed investment
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Who is our prospective customer?

SUSI Asia Energy Transition Fund (SAETF) is a private infrastructure fund that invests in renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions in Southeast Asia. The fund is managed by SUSI Partners (SUSI), a Swiss investment manager with a strong track record focused on energy transition investments in Europe and in global OECD markets. SAETF is SUSI’s first emerging markets fund and has several other DFIs and multilateral investors next to FMO. The proposed investment is a top-up of FMO’s existing commitment to the fund.

What is our funding objective?

SAETF takes majority/controlling investments in energy transition infrastructure assets and companies. The portfolio contains a balance of investments in energy efficiency, commercial & industrial (C&I) energy solutions, and energy storage, alongside utility-scale renewable energy generation projects. The fund invests in developers, platforms, and joint ventures that hold a mix of construction and/or operational assets alongside a pipeline of development-stage assets.

Why do we want to fund this investment?

Energy generation, storage, and energy efficiency are important and under-deployed infrastructure elements that are core to the green energy transition in markets like Southeast Asia where energy demand continues to grow rapidly. The economics for commercial & industrial (C&I), and (hybrid) energy storage in Southeast Asia are favorable for investment and impact given the opportunity to supplement unreliable grids, displace diesel generation, electrify dispersed populations, and provide cleaner power to industrial players. By increasing its investment in SAETF, FMO seeks to address the market need for energy transition infrastructure in Southeast Asia at a time when the global climate is rapidly changing.

What is the Environmental and Social categorization rationale?

The investment scope of the fund includes activities with limited environmental & social (E&S) risks and activities with potentially higher E&S risks. Given the scope, this fund was characterized as an E&S Category A fund. However, over the past years most of the fund’s investments have had limited E&S risks as the fund has been focusing mainly on commercial & industrial (C&I) solutions, energy efficiency and early-stage development of utility-scale projects. The investment manager has implemented an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) that includes screening of E&S risks and performance of investment opportunities, and monitoring this performance once the investment is made, using the IFC Performance Standards. The fund has a dedicated E&S manager and an E&S advisory panel, in which the E&S specialists of the investors in the fund are represented, as well as the E&S manager of the fund. This panel evaluates the E&S performance and subsequent investments of the fund and gives advice. The environmental & social action plan is almost complete, with two actions being developed as per the agreed timelines.

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Date Total FMO financing
5/25/2021 USD 20.00 MLN

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Name Country Region Sector
ACC V Pte. Ltd. Singapore ASIA Financial Institutions
Website customer/investment
Publication date
Deadline for feedback
Total FMO financing
EUR 10.00 MLN
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C)