Project detail - VC4Africa B.V.

VC4Africa B.V.

Status: Approved investment
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Who is our customer?

VC4Africa B.V. is a Dutch registered organization since 2011 with a clear social mission to support entrepreneurs in emerging markets building high growth high impact ventures. VC4A is the implementer of the Venture Showcase, an award-winning program since 2017. VC4A is also the manager of, a robust online platform for entrepreneurs that seek learning, mentorship, venture building and funding opportunities. The organization has more than 230,000 members globally and lists more than 23,000 start-ups active across Africa and Latin America, primarily. The organization has a team of 18 professionals spread across different continents and operates an office and headquarters out of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Annual turnover is +/- euro 1 million.

What is our funding objective?

Following the successful implementation of the Venture Showcase Women Founders Edition in Africa, VC4A is now working to launch the same campaign in 2023 focused on Latin America.

Why do we fund this investment?

Funding this project in Latin America will allow FMO to make a first step into exploring in greater detail the Fintech and Ventures ecosystem in the region. The Fintech ecosystem in Latin America is young but extremely dynamic, and with a clear focus on providing digital lending solutions to underserved SMEs in the region, hence generating an impact thesis which is very much aligned with the strategic objectives of FMO. This initiative can be an important first step to understand this market in more depth and provide us with investment opportunities in the future.

What is the Environmental and Social categorization rationale?

Company addresses a social, economic and/or environmental issue and is able to show the impact your product or service is making in the lives of people at the BoP in the Latin American region.

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Latin America & The Caribbean
Latin America & The Caribbean
Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services
Publication date
Effective date
Total FMO financing
EUR 0.04 MLN