Project detail - VC4Africa B.V.

VC4Africa B.V.

Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer?

VC4A is registered in the Netherlands operating as a social venture with a leading platform supporting a global community of entrepreneurs, mentors, investors and business professionals building companies on the African continent since 2007. While their primary focus is on the African continent, VC4A supports entrepreneurship in other regions and now has a membership in 159 countries worldwide. In 2014, VC4A co-created the Africa Early Stage Investor Summit (AESIS) which it holds on an annual basis.

What is our funding objective?

To support VC4A in co-hosting the 9th edition of the Africa Early Stage Investor Summit on 4-6 November 2022 to bring together investors and other industry leaders focused on advancing the early stage venture capital (VC) industry in Africa.

Why do we fund this investment?

This project aligns with the Community Engagement component of the FMO Ventures Program Technical Assistance Facility, co-funded by the Dutch Government and the European Union, with the objective of bringing together our partners (including VC4A) and other key industry stakeholders to a platform for learning and exchange and through locally hosted events / workshops.

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Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
EUR 0.03 MLN