Status: Approved investment
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Who is our customer?

Farmerline is a Ghanaian Agri Tech company focused on providing smallholder farmers with quality inputs and market access through a network of local Agribusinesses. Their proposition is tailored to the Ghanian smallholder context and has a strong localized and educational component. They leverage their proprietary Mergdata farmer management platform to reach smallholder farmers in Ghana, while also providing this platform on a SaaS basis to corporates and developmental organizations active in the agricultural value chain. They’ve reached ~107k+ smallholders directly this year and digitized >1 mln smallholders through their partners since they have started.

What is our funding objective?

An investment of USD 3 mln is contemplated from the FMO Ventures Program. This will allow Farmerline to further scale its operations, build a robust supply chain and expand the team.

Why do we fund this investment?

The West African agricultural market is mostly made up of smallholder farmers, who lack access to inputs, knowledge and markets. Farmerline’s unique tech-enabled approach allows them to serve smallholders efficiently. By educating smallholders on best practices Farmerline both drives market demand and improves smallholder livelihoods.

What is the Environmental and Social categorization rationale?

E&S risk category B (medium) as the investment is expected to have limited environmental and social impacts which can be mitigated with well-known and available measures. Main E&S risks associated with Farmerline’s business activities are related to i) quality of the ESMS and organizational capacity, ii) OHS/emergency preparedness, iii) labour standards, iv) waste management/hazardous materials, and v) supply chain/3rd party contractor management. These risks trigger the IFC PS 1-4, while IFC PS 5-8 are not expected to be triggered. E&S risks/impacts will be managed by the company’s existing ESMS and the mitigation measures proposed in an E&S action plan developed by investors.

More investments

Date Total FMO financing
8/22/2023 EUR 0.05 MLN
8/2/2023 USD 1.00 MLN
Agribusiness, Food & Water
Publication date
Effective date
Total FMO financing
USD 3.00 MLN
Venture Capital 002
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C)