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Who is our customer?
African Infrastructure Investment Fund 3 Partnership (AIIF3) is a sub-Saharan Africa infrastructure-focused private equity fund with a target post-top-up size of USD 400mln, managed by African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM). AIIF3 has a strong LP base including two other European DFIs and Old Mutual Group, AIIM’s owner and sponsor.
What is our funding objective?
AIIF3 has invested in 13 assets in sub-Saharan Africa with core infrastructure characteristics and a focus on greenfield or core-plus opportunities (including among others power, gas or water distribution, roads, air- and seaports, (renewable) power generation and communication towers). AIIF3 has maintained a strong pipeline of assets in these sectors and is raising a top-up to invest in ~5 additional assets in power, midstream energy, and digital infrastructure.
Why do we fund this investment?
Infrastructure development is a key driver for progress across the African continent and a critical enabler for productivity and sustainable economic growth. Investments in infrastructure have accounted for more than 50% of the recent improvement in economic growth in Africa, and have the potential to achieve even more. By investing in AIIF3, FMO seeks to address the market need for infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa in a sustainable and responsible manner.
What is the Environmental and Social categorization rationale?
Due to the E&S risks associated with typical infrastructure investments, incl. transport hubs and power generating assets, this is regarded a a category A fund. Risks are diverse, project specific and can trigger some or all IFC Performance Standards. Greatest comfort comes from the fact that the Fund integrates E&S in all its transaction processes, thereby securing that E&S considerations are part of the project identification, formulation and decision making processes. The Fund relies on a mature and well developed Environmental and Social Management System that is periodically reviewed and updated, next to a solid E&S management team that actively manages and monitors their investees. E&S performance and reporting have been overall satisfactory, whilst further efforts are being made with regard to the management of contextual and human rights related risks and impacts, and responsible exits. Further additionality opportunities are also being identified, covering themes like climate change and social inclusion, in close cooperation with the Fund E&S committee that includes all LPs and where FMO plays an active role. This follow-up investment allows the Fund to increase its positive impact across the continent through responsible investments in Africa’s infrastructure, whilst searching for impact optimization options to make the assets under management even more sustainable and embedded in local societies.
More investments
Date | Total FMO financing |
5/29/2017 | USD 35.00 MLN |
- Website customer/investment
- Region
- Africa
- Country
- Africa
- Sector
- Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services
- Publication date
- 9/15/2020
- Effective date
- 7/27/2020
- Total FMO financing
- USD 11.00 MLN
- Funding
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk
Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C) - A