Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer

DeHaat is a technology-based platform to offer complete end-to-end services to farmers - "seed to market". Currently more than 240,000+ farmers in Eastern India are registered with DeHaat and are getting direct access to quality agri inputs, customised crop advisory, credit and market linkages of farm produce.

What is our funding objective?

DeHaat is looking to safeguard health and safety of its employees, Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) and farmers while providing farmers with 360o agricultural services during this unprecedented crisis. The objective is to ensure i) the health and safety of farmers, VLEs and field employees by equipping them with proper kits, ii) health insurance inclusive of Covid-19 cover to VLEs and field employees to safeguard them against any eventuality; iii) Freight subsidy to ensure business continuity arising due to supply chain disruptions. The DeHaat model of providing end-to-end services (agri-inputs, advisory and market linkage) through technology-led value chain interventions is highly sustainable and scalable. DeHaat has demonstrated a phenomenal growth of 3-4x in recent years on Y-o-Y basis, ensuring greater income to smallholder farmers, rural entrepreneurship and job creation while remaining capital efficient.

Why do we fund this investment?

The project will minimize the risk of infection for farmers. The overall impact on farmers’ income is 40-50% due to increased access to quality inputs, customized and affordable advisory and better realization of their agri produce. The project will help with the expansion of De Haat’s current VLEs from 500 to 1500, ensuring business sustainability.

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Date Total FMO financing
9/17/2021 INR 371.74 MLN
12/4/2020 INR 137.10 MLN
6/30/2020 INR 270.26 MLN
3/24/2020 INR 130.00 MLN
Agribusiness, Food & Water
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
EUR 0.10 MLN
Building Prospects
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C)