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Who is our customer?
Georgian Water and Power is a leading company on the water supply market of Georgia and South Caucasus. The company provides high quality service to the population of Tbilisi, as well as to state organizations, industrial and commercial objects.
What is our funding objective?
Funding will be used for GWP's rehabilitation of the Gardabani wastewater treatment plant, and network; new infrastructure and equipment, a metering program, two small run of the river HPP projects and refinancing.
Why do we fund this investment?
Long-term, unsecured funding is not available locally. Project has a high development impact because the repair of the water infrastructure network will lead to significant energy savings, increased water efficiency and improved service quality for the inhabitants of Tbilisi. Rehabilitation of the Gardabani WWTP will lead to wastewater compliance with EU Standards.
What is the Environmental and Social categorization rationale?
The project has an environmental and social risk category B+. The applicable Performance Standards are 1,2,3,4,6 and 8. Performance Standards 1,2,3 are applicable due to the upgrading and operation of the waste water treatment plant, and the installation of two mini water turbines. Performance standard 4 is applicable due to related impacts on communities (communities using water, and limited community exposure to construction activities). Performance standard 5 on land is not applicable, as the project does not include any requirement for new land. Performance standard 6 is applicable due to the use of fresh water, and the discharge of (cleaned) waste water, with limited impacts on biodiversity. Performance standard 7 is not applicable (no Indigenous People, other specific vulnerable groups). Performance standard 8 is applicable, as the refurbishing of the waste water treatment plant, and the installation of new mini turbines may potentially result in finding objects of cultural importance.
More investments
Date | Total FMO financing |
9/16/2020 | USD 34.00 MLN |
- Website customer/investment
- Region
- Europe & Central Asia
- Country
- Georgia
- Sector
- Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services
- Effective date
- 8/15/2017
- End date
- 9/16/2020
- Total FMO financing
- USD 6.00 MLN
- Funding
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk
Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C) - B+