Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer?

The Sri Lankan Bankers’ Association (SLBA) was initiated in 1984 and has the main objectives to represent, support and assist members to maintain and develop a sound banking sector in Sri Lanka but to also encourage cooperation between the banks, the public and the regulatory bodies.

What is our funding objective?

The overall objective of the project is “to support the Sri Lankan banking industry in the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Principles that have been agreed upon between 18 banks during phase 1 of the Sri Lankan Sustainable Banking Initiative”.

Why do we fund this investment?

We believe this project to have a good fit with FMO’s role as a sector-wide change agent in a country that can improve E&S performance in the overall banking sector together with willing and able local partners on the ground. By introducing the online training platform, the entire banking sector is able to profit from the initiative thus levelling the playing field and raising the bar.

Sri Lanka
Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
EUR 0.06 MLN