Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer?

Visscher Caravelle Mexico S.A. de C.V. is a subsidiary of the Dutch carpet products producer Visscher Caravelle (VC) from Genemuiden. VC’s main business is the production of car-mats (>90 percent of overall business) wherein it is one of the largest producers in the world and an important supplier to many major car brands. VC has manufacturing plants in Europe and Asia and established a new facility in Mexico in 2014 to service North-American car manufacturing plants.

What is our funding objective?

VC Mexico has signed new supply agreements with various car manufacturers that have their assembly lines in Mexico. Therefore, investments are required in the existing facility to increase its production. VC approached FMO-FOM for financing to be used for the expansion of the Mexican production plant, in particular the purchase of new sewing and weaving machine plotters and injection molding equipment.

Why do we fund this investment?

This transaction has an excellent fit with FMO-FOM: Dutch interest transaction to a reputable company with international footprint, positive track record and good growth prospects. A yet to be conducted feasibility study should assess opportunities for recycling and using bio-based and recycled raw materials as inputs. Furthermore there is no commercial funding available for the required investments.

Latin America & The Caribbean
Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
EUR 1.60 MLN
Fund Emerging Markets
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C)