Project detail - Sitio 0 de Quequen S.A.

Sitio 0 de Quequen S.A.

Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer?

Sitio 0 de Quequen S.A. is a grain terminal facility in the Quequen, one of the two deep sea grain ports in Argentina. The terminal will be used to store and load soybeans, soymeal, wheat, corn and barley sourced from the south of the Buenos Aires Province. The terminal will initially have a loading capacity of 2 million tons per year and storage capacity of 120,000 tons, with the option for further capacity expansion at a later stage. In order to regulate the transport to and from the terminal a separate truck yard will be developed just outside the town of Quequen. The project is a joint venture of international agri-companies CHS Inc and Noble Agri together with the Argentinean grain companies Alea y cia S.A., E-Grain S.A., A&J Nari S.A. and Lartirigoyen y cia S.A.

What is our funding objective?

Together with Credit Agricole-CIB, FMO provided a USD 32.5 million A/B facility to fund the construction of the grain terminal in the Quequen port.

Why do we fund this investment?

Sitio 0 will add much-needed grain export capacity in a strategic deep sea port in Argentina, using the latest technological and environmental standards. This will result in increased supply chain efficiency through reduced loading times in the port and improved preservation of goods. Furthermore the project will generate additional direct and indirect employment in the region. Being one of the lowest-cost producers of grains in the world, Argentina plays an important role in serving the increasing global demand for food. Next to that agricultural exports are an important source of tax and foreign currency income for Argentina.

Website customer/investment
Agribusiness, Food & Water
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
USD 16.25 MLN
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C)