Status: Approved investment
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Who is our customer?

Beefmaster Holdings (Pty) Ltd. (Beefmaster) is one of the largest privately-owned meat production companies in South Africa. The company had humble beginnings when the founder of Beefmaster started a small feedlot with eleven cattle in the 1960’s. The feedlot grew from strength to strength and Beefmaster was officially incorporated in 1986. Today, Beefmaster is one of South Africa’s most complete vertically integrated producers of beef and beef-related products. It is involved in every aspect of the beef supply chain, ranging from feed production, feedlotting, and slaughtering to distribution through local and international wholesale and retail channels. The company remains a family-owned business and the founding family is still involved in the daily operations.

What is our funding objective?

DEGs and FMOs funding is part of a larger funding package comprising term debt, fresh equity and working capital facilities. DEG and FMO are committing senior loan and mezzanine facilities denominated in South African Rand under the Friendship Facility agreement as part of this funding package. The primary objective of the capital and funding raise is to increase capacity utilisation of Beefmaster’s operations. The proceeds will be used to increase cattle numbers in the feedlot, for capital expenditure related to utilization increase in the abattoir, and to restructure existing debt to bring the company’s debt in line with long term requirements.

Why do we fund this investment?

Animal production contributes approximately 41 percent to the country’s agricultural GDP. About 500,000 people are being employed by the industry and 2.1m people are dependent on the livestock industry for their livelihood. Through supporting an industry vital to the South African economy, DEG and FMO will contribute to the further development of South Africa in general, and the red meat industry in particular. The company’s expansion plans are expected to lead to an increase of 411 jobs, with most of those jobs being in the Northern Cape Province. This is one of South Africa’s least developed provinces with official unemployment close to 30 percent. Lastly, the DEG and FMO financing package will catalyse financing from a commercial bank as well as facilitate the entry of a new equity partner.

More investments

Date Total FMO financing
12/4/2015 ZAR 35.00 MLN
South Africa
Agribusiness, Food & Water
Effective date
Total FMO financing
ZAR 90.00 MLN
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C)