Status: Completed investmentWhy disclosure?
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Who is our customer?
FINCA Microfinance Bank Limited (FINCA Nigeria) is a greenfield, deposit-taking microfinance bank operating in Imo state in the South East of Nigeria. It was established in December 2014, and in its first week of operation the MfB mobilized over 1,300 clients, 75% women. Its goal is to expand to five additional states and reach more than 30,000 low-income micro-entrepreneurs within three years. FMO’s financial relationship is with FINCA Holding.
What is our funding objective?
To expand its offering, FINCA Nigeria wish to launch Alternative Delivery Channels (ADC), particularly Digital Financial Services (DFS). This will provide the market with technologies needed to facilitate transactions quickly and easily. To this end, FINCA Nigeria intends to recruit a consultant to help develop a strategy and roll-out plan for DFS, and to provide technical assistance and guidance during development, implementation and piloting.
Why do we fund this investment?
In Nigeria, the existing Deposit Money Banks are serving about 20 million clients through a network of 6,000 branches. With an adult population of almost 85 million, the need for financial services is enormous. Also, the distance from bank branches and the high cost of servicing low-balance accounts are contributing factors to financial exclusion of the poor. The use of DFS, to advance outreach and accessibility is virtually untapped in Nigeria. Deployment of FDS can help address the challenges of distance and accessibility, and thereby provide better coverage of financial services and make those services more affordable.
- Region
- Africa
- Country
- Nigeria
- Sector
- Financial Institutions
- Effective date
- 11/9/2015
- End date
- 4/29/2020
- Total FMO financing
- EUR 0.06 MLN
- Funding
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk
Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C) - B