Status: Approved investmentWhy disclosure?
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Who is our customer?
The Global Climate Partnership Fund (GCPF) is a public-private partnership initiated by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and KfW Entwicklungsbank. Other shareholders include IFC, Danida, the British Department of Energy & Climate Change and the OeEB. The fund provides green lines to banks around the world, including support for implementation and reporting. The portfolio amounts to around US$300 million and has commitments in South Africa, Nicaragua, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Turkey and other countries. Since its inception the fund has saved 1.2 million MWh in energy and avoided 500,000 tons of CO2 emissions. GCPF is open to investments from institutional investors, professional investors and other well informed investors within the context of the Luxembourg SIF law. In particular the fund targets donor agencies, governments, international financial institutions and professional private investors. GCPF aims to provide commercial returns to its investors.
What is our funding objective?
Climate change and energy security are among the key challenges of the 21st century. Due to strong economic growth, energy consumption will increase rapidly in developing countries, bringing with it negative consequences for the environment. The mission of the fund is to help mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The fund supports energy efficiency and renewable energy investments for SMEs and private households either directly or through qualified financial institutions. GCPF prioritizes countries with the largest energy consumption, the most significant greenhouse gas emissions and the highest potential to increase efficiency in the production and use of energy. In this way, the GCPF contributes to reducing primary energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions.
Why do we fund this investment?
This project is closely aligned with FMO's strategy to fund financially sustainable green investments. Through the GCPF FMO aims to contribute to climate change mitigation, while also supporting the development of innovative climate change-oriented loan products in local financial sectors. FMO's investment will also support the fund in achieving economic sustainability. GCPF will attract private and public capital into climate financing, an area where the funding is insufficient to create the impact needed to mitigate climate change. In this way, the fund takes up the recommendations of the High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing to use public funds in order to unlock the potential of private capital.
More investments
Date | Total FMO financing |
7/23/2019 | EUR 0.05 MLN |
1/29/2015 | USD 20.20 MLN |
3/4/2025 | USD 17.50 MLN |
3/4/2025 | USD 17.50 MLN |
- Website customer/investment
- Region
- Europe & Central Asia
- Country
- Europe & Central Asia
- Sector
- Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services
- Effective date
- 1/29/2015
- Total FMO financing
- USD 20.20 MLN
- Funding
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk
Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C) - B