Project detail - Greenland Fedha Limited

Greenland Fedha Limited

Status: Completed investment
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Who is our customer

Kenya Tea Development Agency Ltd (KTDA) is the leading management agency for the small scale tea farmers in Kenya, Africa. In Kenya, the vast majority of tea is grown on small farms where the average farm size for KTDA members is from half an acre to one acre. The mission of KTDA is to provide effective management services to the tea sector for efficient production, processing and marketing of high quality teas and investing in related profitable ventures along the value chain for the benefit of shareholders and other stakeholders. KTDA, as a company, fits very well within the agribusiness strategy. With support from IDH and Unilever, KTDA field staff train farmers to improve the productivity and quality of tea yields through techniques such as planting, pruning, weeding, and fine-plucking. KTDA also trains farmers in sustainable agriculture practices and helps them meet the requirements for Rainforest Alliance certification. In 2012 KTDA, Unilever and IDH designed a program to further upscale and embed sustainability within KTDA smallholder tea production in Kenya. The partnership will combine the Rainforest Alliance (RA) trainings with the Farmer Field School (FFS) trainings to maximize sustainable impact. FMO's client is Greenland Fedha Limited (GFL) is a non-deposit taking unlicensed microfinance institution, fully owned by KTDA.

What is our funding objective?

Through MASSIF FMO is providing a US$10 million medium-term facility to Greenland Fedha Limited (GFL). FMO's financing will enable GFL to realize its potential of reaching 600,000 smallholder tea farmers, who cultivate over 100,000 hectares in prime tea-growing areas. Availability of reasonably priced funds in rural areas will allow for investment in higher and more sustainable production, increased revenues and increased spending on education.

Why do we fund this investment?

GFL's mandate is to provide a variety of affordable financial services to the low-income households (i.e. small holders) in the tea sector. As of now, it only lends to tea farmers associated with KTDA. Since 2009, 69,000 farmers have received loans in order to pay to buy farm inputs, tools, improve tea farming, and support micro businesses. GFL expects to grow the customer base to 340,700 by the end of 2019, following a 5-year strategic plan. FMO's financing will be used by GFL to expand funding to smallholder tea farmers associated with KTDA.

More investments

Date Total FMO financing
10/6/2020 EUR 0.10 MLN
11/9/2018 USD 7.50 MLN
Website customer/investment
Financial Institutions
Effective date
End date
Total FMO financing
USD 10.00 MLN
Risk categorization on environmental and social impacts, A = high risk, B+ = medium high risk, B = medium risk, C = low risk Environmental & Social Category
(A, B+, B or C)