news - FMO partners with LadyAgri for gender lens investments in agriculture


FMO partners with LadyAgri for gender lens investments in agriculture

May 15, 2019

Women are key contributors to Africa’s agricultural value chains. Yet, often invisible and due to inequalities, without access to means needed to grow their businesses. That’s why FMO wants to explore the business case for gender lens investments in agriculture. FMO is proud to partner with Impact Investment Hub LadyAgri for this project.

LadyAgri invests in agribusiness projects where women can contribute, win and lead. Through their knowledge of gender and agriculture and a strong network of international and African professionals, LadyAgri supports women agri-entrepreneurs in Africa.

Floor van Oppen, fund manager of Dutch government fund Building Prospects: “To reach women, it is essential to actively include them every step of the way, and to design products that are suitable to their needs. Our government fund Building Prospects has recently secured a new mandate which allows us to increase focus on Gender Equality projects. Our work with LadyAgri is the start of what we hope to be a long-term partnership that will help us tailor the right products to meet women’s needs.” 

Saskia Vossenberg, Senior Gender Finance Advisor: “We are both proud and excited to partner with LadyAgri and together embark on this gender lens investments in agriculture journey. I expect it to further develop our knowledge, capacity, tools, and networks to invest for gender equality and support women in agribusiness to realize their potential and growth ambitions.”

The video below was made by LadyAgri to celebrate International Women's Day (March 8th) this year: