news - FMO supports infrastructure development in Argentina


FMO supports infrastructure development in Argentina

March 28, 2017

On 27 March 2017, the Dutch development bank FMO signed a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with the Republic of Argentina. The LOI sets the basis for the development of an investment program for water and wastewater infrastructure projects in Argentina.

This investment program will enable Argentinian utility companies to catalyse additional funding from the Dutch market, international capital markets and Multilaterals and Climate Adaptation funds.

Complimentary to the program, FMO will also seek to provide and facilitate expertise to accelerate infrastructure delivery through its project development unit (NL Business). This unit uses its specific project development and financial structuring expertise in emerging markets to create opportunities for Dutch industry to participate in projects.

Mrs. Linda Broekhuizen, CIO of FMO said: “FMO is very proud to sign this Letter of Intent that will facilitate an accelerated development of infrastructure in Argentina, stimulating the Argentinian economy and job creation in the country”.