news - Physee en Sungevity are the winners of the 2018 NRC Live Impact Awards


Physee en Sungevity are the winners of the 2018 NRC Live Impact Awards

February 12, 2018

FMO congratulates the winners of the 2018 NRC Live Impact Awards: Physee and Sungevity. Yvonne Bakkum, managing director FMO Investment Management, was this year member of the expert jury.

Out of 74 entries the jury awarded Physee first prize. Physee is an innovative company that provides completely transparent windows, which generate data by sensing the environment and convert sunlight into electricity, simultaneously.

Sungevity was awarded the public prize. During the awardshow, the finalist pitched their concept and the audiences could vote for their favorite. Sungevity is aiming for a 'rooftop revolution' with a service package that should help to convince every house-owner to install solar panels on their roof.