news - Warning on fraud schemes misusing FMO


Warning on fraud schemes misusing FMO

May 25, 2021

Please be aware that we have recently come across instances where FMO’s name was misused for the purpose of committing fraud. Specifically, false invoices were sent to customers containing FMO’s logo asking customers to transfer funds into bank accounts controlled by fraudsters. We want to reemphasize the importance of invoice verification. In order to mitigate any fraud related payment risks, we kindly ask you to verify the following before processing any payment to FMO:

  • Has the invoice been sent from an email address with the ‘’ domain?
  • Do the bank account details as stated on the invoice match with those in your payment system, your contract with FMO and/or previously paid invoices?

In case of deviations, or if you notice anything irregular or unexpected, please do not proceed with the payment and contact your FMO contact person (using contact details as recorded in your system) to verify the details on the invoice.

For more information on invoice frauds or other related scams, please visit the following websites: