news - Warning against website


Warning against website

August 26, 2021

Please be aware it has come to FMO’s attention that there is a French website that is misusing FMO’s name and address information. We want to emphasize that FMO has no ties – in any form – to this website:

FMO’s only domain name is and FMO Investment Management’s only domain name is

Any request - either for information, an investment, or a payment – that has been made through this website:, or by the people behind this website, is not linked to FMO. We strongly advise you to be very vigilant in respect of these requests. Also note, we do not use the name “FMO Partners”, and we do not have an office in France.

In the case you feel you have been the victim of a scam and want to make a report on fraud, please contact your local police department. We have made a request for the website to be taken down by the hosting company.

For more information on fraud and fraud prevention, please visit the following websites: