news - Farah Karimi assumes role in Dutch Senate, leaves Supervisory Board FMO


Farah Karimi assumes role in Dutch Senate, leaves Supervisory Board FMO

May 22, 2019

Ahead of the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of FMO, Mrs. Farah Karimi (1960) has announced that she has decided to step down as member of FMO’s Supervisory Board as per June 10, 2019. The reason for her impending departure is her expected appointment as member of the Dutch Senate as per June 11th. Farah Karimi was appointed as member of the Supervisory Board on October 31st, 2018.

Farah Karimi: “While I am excited about the role ahead, it is with regret that I announce my decision, and sooner after my appointment than I had envisaged. In my new role as Dutch Senator, I will be expected to fairly and independently contribute to new legislation and monitor the performance of the Dutch State and its Participations, including FMO. I, and my fellow Supervisory Board members with me, feel it is important that we avoid any potential conflict of interest, or impression thereof, that could stem from my continuing both roles. I have very much enjoyed the opportunity to guide FMO in its passionate quest to empower entrepreneurs in developing countries. I wish the organization all the best and want to thank my fellow Supervisory Board members for their partnership.”

Pier Vellinga, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at FMO: “Needless to say we are delighted for Farah that she is expected to be confirmed as a member of the Dutch Senate. It is an important and honorable role, which we are confident she will take on with the same zeal and integrity we have come to appreciate in her. And of course, we regret that she will be leaving us so soon. We will miss her critical mind, her knowledge, understanding and input in the field, as well as her constructive curiosity. Human rights are crucial for FMO and the projects we finance. Experience illustrates how difficult this can be in the countries and the type of projects we support. We hope to find a suitable candidate we can entrust with this important portfolio soon and wish Farah all the best in her new role.”

Before FMO, Farah Karimi served for more than 10 years asExecutive director and Chair of the Executive Board of Oxfam Novib and served as a member of the Executive Board of Oxfam International. Under her leadership, the organization has, as a part of Oxfam International, expanded to a worldwide, influential movement that fights poverty, inequality, and injustice. From 1998 till 2006 she was a Member of the Dutch Parliament for GroenLinks with foreign policy, development aid, and European affairs in her portfolio. In the past, Farah Karimi has also been active for several charitable organizations at home and abroad. Farah Karimi has studied Industrial Design at the Isfahan University of Technology (Iran), Mathematics and Information Technology at Kiel University (Germany) and Policies and Governance in International Organisations at Groningen University (The Netherlands).