news - Recruitment of new Independent Expert Panel Member


Recruitment of new Independent Expert Panel Member

June 6, 2024

The Independent Complaints Mechanism (ICM) of DEG, FMO and Proparco is hiring from 1st September 2024 an Independent Expert Panel Member. The new panel member will be replacing Michael Windfuhr, who will reach the end of his term in September.

The development finance institutions FMO, DEG and Proparco together offer the ICM to complainants who feel affected by operations financed by one or more participating institutions. The ICM ensures their right to be heard. The ICM is a member of the Independent Accountability Mechanism network.

On behalf of the ICM-institutions, DEG is in charge of the hiring process. Please send your application by 23 June 2024 via the DEG application portal.

For more information about the ICM, please visit: Independent Complaints Mechanism.