news - Get Together DEG-PROPARCO-FMO



March 3, 2015

The annual event between DEG, Proparco and FMO.

This year The Get Together will be hosted by FMO. We will start on Tuesday, the 3rd of March at 6.00pm and finish on Wednesday, the 4th of March at 4.30pm, and we have decided to keep the venue close to our office premises: in the city of The Hague.

The theme of this year’s Get Together is ‘Take it or Leave it’ (trust your partner and follow). The “Take it or Leave it” principle implies that for joint DEG-FMO deals–including joint office deals- there is one deal team (the lead) and the follower applies commercial, credit/risk and legal voting on a “yes or no” basis, i.e. accepting or rejecting a transaction based on material arguments /red flags (i.e. no additional stapling of conditions, no joint structuring, etc.). In addition, for joint office deals, a pilot will be started to test the existing “joint advisory committee” approach. In case the process is not followed, the leading deal team can accelerate to the respective MB member. Purpose of testing and piloting this approach is to apply the take it or leave it approach in all joint deals (DEG-Proparco-FMO) through the Friendship Facility.

The purpose of the event is to get an update of our cooperation, take our cooperation to the next level by face to face interaction and networking. All with the ultimate aim to further improve cooperation between our three institutions.