news - Independent Fact Finding Mission issues their report on Agua Zarca


Independent Fact Finding Mission issues their report on Agua Zarca

September 22, 2016

The Independent Fact Finding Mission (IM) on Agua Zarca has issued its report. The mission was convened at the request of FMO, one of the funders of the Agua Zarca project.

The Agua Zarca project became world news after the brutal murder of Berta Cáceres, the leader of COPINH, the principal opponent of the project. After this shocking event, FMO suspended its activities in Honduras and called on the President of Honduras for those responsible to be held to account on the basis of a thorough investigation. Subsequently, a person associated with our client was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder (a court case is pending, and the outcome remains unknown). On this basis, FMO decided to seek a responsible exit from the project. FMO rejects all violence.

FMO wishes to express its appreciation for the efforts of the IM and for the thorough report that has been produced.

The main objective of the independent mission (IM) was to undertake an independent assessment of the main aspects relating to the Agua Zarca project, and draft recommendations for improvement. For FMO this is important input for determining how a responsible exit can take place.

Find here the full report and FMO’s Management Response in English and Spanish.