news - A New Partnership between FMO and IFC to Help Mainstream Resource Efficiency in Building Construction


A New Partnership between FMO and IFC to Help Mainstream Resource Efficiency in Building Construction

June 4, 2015

FMO signed a partnership Memorandum of Understanding with IFC, International Finance Corporation to encourage emerging markets to mainstream resource-efficient building construction with the EDGE (“Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies”) certification system. 

An innovation of IFC, EDGE shows property developers how fast and affordable it is to construct resource-efficient buildings, enabling them to pass value directly to building owners and tenants. The complimentary EDGE software can be used to determine the viability of a project at the design stage, leading to a set of solutions that reduce energy, water, and the energy used to make building materials by at least 20 percent.

“The ambition of EDGE is to create momentum for resource-efficient building growth by proving that everyone wins financially by building green,” said Christian Grossmann, Director of IFC’s Climate Business Department. “IFC is eager to partner with other financial institutions, as together we can empower sustainable building at an unprecedented level.”

“The EDGE software has introduced an entirely new way of engaging with our clients in the building sector,” said Ammarens Bruggenkamp, an investment officer at FMO. “This platform will certainly enable us to expand our business.”

As part of the new partnership, FMO will use the EDGE software to measure the resource efficiency of the building projects it finances, for example hospitals, hotels and commercial real estate. IFC has conducted a training to support the investment staff in creating awareness of EDGE through their clients and networks.