news - Monthly transaction overview April


Monthly transaction overview April

May 2, 2022

Monthly transaction overview April

As a leading impact investor, FMO supports sustainable private sector growth in developing countries and emerging markets by investing in ambitious projects and entrepreneurs. FMO believes that a strong private sector leads to economic and social development and has a 50+ year proven track-record of empowering people to employ their skills and improve their quality of life. Each month we give an overview of the transactions we have signed.


K-Electric Ltd.
Power generation, transmission and distribution company in Pakistan
On April 1st, K-Electric signed a USD 100 million 7-year facility with FMO (USD 68.6 million) and Proparco (USD 31.4 million). The facility will be used to improve safety of the distribution network, reduce transmission and distribution losses, connect new customers, fund new transmission lines to the national grid, and improve existing transmission infrastructure to better integrate renewable (intermittent) power sources. The facility increases FMO’s commitment to the Pakistani energy sector to over USD 200 million.

Renewable power producer worldwide
Scatec, a renewable energy provider, has refinanced the non-recourse project debt for six solar power plants in Egypt, with a total capacity of 380 megawatts (MW), through the issuance of a 19-year USD 334.5 mln non-recourse Green Project Bond. The refinancing will provide increased leverage, extended tenor, and reduced interest costs which will improve Scatec’s and its project partner’s future cash distributions from the power plants. FMO signed a purchase note to invest USD 72.5 mln in this innovative climate finance transaction, the first of its kind in Africa. The Project Bond benefits from a Climate Bond certificate from the Climate Bond Initiative.

Financial Institutions

Sathapana Bank Plc.
Leading universal bank in Cambodia
On April 1st FMO signed a new facility agreement with longstanding partner Sathapana Bank in Cambodia. Sathapana Bank is established as NGO in 1995 and has developed into an MFI and subsequently into a full licensed bank. FMO has been partnering with Sathapana since 2006, and has closely witnessed and supported this transformation into a leading bank in Cambodia. Sathapana has an extensive branch network of >170 branches throughout the country. Through these branches they provide access to finance to individuals, small and medium sized enterprises and corporate customers. The new FMO facility entails a USD 20 million subordinated loan which enables Sathapana to strengthen their capital base, support their growth as a commercial bank and contribute to the post-Covid growth of the Cambodian economy.