news - FMO, your preferred partner to invest in local prosperity


FMO, your preferred partner to invest in local prosperity

June 22, 2017

We have updated the FMO corporate strategy towards 2025 to align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and increase focus and impact in our activities.

Since 1970, FMO has made a positive difference in emerging economies, by empowering entrepreneurs to build a better world. Across FMO’s investments we contribute to Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8); toward 2025 we will raise the proportion of our portfolio focused on Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) and Climate Action (SDG 13). In view of this, we will continue on our journey to double our impact halving our footprint by 2020. In addition, we will focus on increasing inclusive and gender equality investments and investments in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

To deepen our relationships with clients and stakeholders, we will focus on three sectors where we can have the biggest impact. We decided to stop our debt offering to non-focus sectors and deepen our expertise in Financial Institutions, Energy and Agribusiness. We continue to invest in expertise on environmental and social risk management and engagement, with specialist staff for local stakeholder management and increased focus on human rights. We strengthen our fund management proposition for public sector funds, for which we have established a dedicated public investment management team. Engaging commercial investors to co-invest with FMO, both through fund management and syndicated transactions, remains a priority. Through our combined objective of financing for both financial returns and development impact, we scale impact investing in emerging markets.

Our goal to ‘invest in local prosperity’ is not only important for local people, but also for the Netherlands. More jobs, less inequality and climate action create local stability. This is important for NL and the countries close to us, for example in the circle around Europe and in Africa. We want to maximize local impact by using our deep expertise in development finance to support Dutch business activities in emerging markets. To that end we are setting up an NL Business subsidiary with a broad mandate to finance both private and public sector counterparts. Through the envisaged joint venture with Invest-NL we can service Dutch businesses with a single point of contact for a broad internationally oriented product suite.

Jürgen Rigterink, CEO of FMO: “We have aligned our strategy with the SDGs, positioning FMO to deliver for the future. Our strategy sets out to raise our impact, deepen relationships with clients and stakeholders, and enhance our ability to deliver quality at speed. So, we will be the preferred partner to invest in local prosperity”