news - IFC and FMO’s NL Business partner up to promote water and health PPP’s


IFC and FMO’s NL Business partner up to promote water and health PPP’s

April 13, 2019

On April 13, 2019 during the World Bank Group Spring Meetings Emmanuel Nyirinkindi, Director of IFC’s Transaction Advisory Services Department and Jorim Schraven, Director Strategy & Corporate Affairs of FMO and David Kuijpers, Manager Partnerships for Impact (P4i) of FMO, signed a trust fund agreement.

Under this arrangement FMO’s NL Business will allocate EUR 1 million from the Development Accelerator, a fund from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs managed by FMO, to a trust fund managed by IFC.

The funds will be used by IFC for preparation, structuring and tendering public-private partnership (PPP) projects in water and healthcare, the two important sectors where The Netherlands have advanced expertise. The arrangement aims to bring business opportunities to the market that are relevant for the Dutch private sector and at the same time create development impact in emerging markets. Therefore, the projects for funding from the trust fund will be carefully selected in partnership between IFC and FMO.

FMO and IFC will work together to spark interest for PPP projects and tenders among potential Dutch investors by actively including them in investors conferences, market sounding and matchmaking meetings.

IFC has been a trusted partner of FMO for many years. With this arrangement, both parties aim to deepen the partnership and to benefit from IFC Advisory’s successful track record and expertise as PPP transaction advisors. This partnership would also boost the project development capacity of FMO’s NL Business. Through this arrangement, FMO has access to 90 IFC PPP Advisory staff based in more than 20 countries. IFC PPP Advisory has offices in Sub-Saharan Africa (Kenia, South Africa, Senegal, Nigeria), Middle East and North Africa (UAE, Egypt), Latin America and the Caribbean (Brazil, Mexico), Asia (India, Bangladesh, Philippines,; Singapore), Europe and Central Asia (Serbia).