news - Trends & Opportunities in the ASEAN countries


Trends & Opportunities in the ASEAN countries

November 11, 2014

The Europe ASEAN Chamber of the Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion (NCH), cordially invite you to an informative seminar about the trends and opportunities in the ASEAN region. The South East Asian region consists of 10 independent countries and represents a market of more than 600 Million people. Statistics have shown that in the coming years, the growth market for Dutch entrepreneurs will be outside Europe. During this session, different experts will be sharing their expertise and hands-on experience with you.

Who should attend?
Export Managers and decision makers in various industries interested in exporting to South East Asia.

The (preliminary) program:

15:30 - Registration

16:00 - Word of Welcome


Pim Schuurman, Chairman NCH ASEAN Business Council, Managing Director Asia of  DAMEN Shipyards
Jan Willem Hoek - FMO
Matthijs van den Broek - Further East Consult
Oliver Massmann -  General Director, Duane Morris Vietnam LLC

Pim Schuurman - Experiences doing business in the region

Oliver Massmann -  Session on Vietnam & Myanmar

New Investment Law & Enterprise Law: The most important laws for investment will pass the National Assembly of Vietnam in October 2014.
The new law on investment as well as the new law on enterprises will - for the first time in the history of Vietnam - introduce the principle of free trade and will be completely compatible with the principles of the WTO. Both new laws will form a milestone in the legal development of Vietnam and will  imply legal certainty with market access commitments for investors, which will promote Vietnam as one of the WTO members in Asia with the most liberal market access.
"Investing and Doing business in Myanmar - HOW TO GET IT RIGHT !"


17:30-18:30 - Networking session, drinks and snacks

Participation fees
Members of the Asia  Business Councils (NVCC, INA and ASEAN) pay  € 40,- (excluding VAT). Non-members pay  € 75,- (excluding VAT) per person.   Registration of non-members will be on a first come, first served basis.

Your participation is final only upon confirmation by NCH via email,  i.e. a few days before the event.

* We reserve the right to reject or cancel registrations,  if there are valid reasons. The decision for such rejections  would be based on various factors, e. g. the aim and nature of the company’s/ foundation’s  activities/ or persons). NCH reserves the right to cancel the event if there are not enough participants.

You may register for this event via the NCH Extranet.

Should you encounter any problems during the registration,  please kindly contact Rob Meijer ( For details of the program, you can contact Michel van Bommel (Secretaris INA) or Lee Nah Lim.

We kindly advise you to come by the public transport.  There are no parking spaces available at the FMO. Parking is free after 14:00 hours in the surrounding streets.