news - FMO, IFC and EBRD Help Upgrade and Expand Electricity Grid in Turkey's Western Anatolia


FMO, IFC and EBRD Help Upgrade and Expand Electricity Grid in Turkey's Western Anatolia

June 1, 2018

The Dutch development bank FMO, IFC and EBRD have joined forces to finance improvements in the electricity distribution network in Turkey’s Osmangazi region in Western Anatolia.

The financing package of Turkish Lira equivalent of $330 million to Osmangazi Elektrik Dagitim A.S (OEDAS), will help to upgrade, modernisation and expansion of the distribution network which serves around 2.7 million people in 194 towns and 1,596 villages. OEDAS is the electricity distribution company of the Osmangazi region, which includes five provinces: Afyonkarahisar, Bilecik, Eskisehir, Kutahya and Usak. IFC is extending a loan worth US$ 80 million, the EBRD is providing US$ 110 million and FMO is contributing US$ 65 million.

Zorlu Enerji CFO, Ms. Elif Yener said: “ The new long-term financing in Turkish Lira from international finance instritutions for our distribution company will enable us to focus on improvements in the infrastructure and grids, providing better services to millions of people”.

Improvements are expected to reduce electricity losses and enable the connection of increased solar capacity, as a result saving at least 30.000 tonnes carbon emissions per year. They will also enhance environmental and safety standards and improve efficiency and reliability of supply. These investments are part of a capital expenditure programme required by Turkey's Energy Market Regulatory Authority for the five-year regulatory period between 2016 and 2020. ‘

Mrs. Linda Broekhuizen, CIO of FMO added: “FMO is proud to be involved in this landmark transaction with the Energy Division of the Zorlu Group, which is based upon a well-structured, long-term local currency loan. Since many years Zorlu Energy embarked upon strategic investments, as again evidenced by the acquisition of the electricity distribution and retail companies OEDAS and OEPSAS and their investment commitments under the five-year regulatory period. Such long-term commitments are important and fundamental in supporting positive impact to local stakeholders and communities in these provinces.”

OEDAS is ultimately owned by Zorlu Enerji which together with its subsidiaries, engages in establishing, renting, and operating electrical energy production plants in Turkey. It is part of the Turkish conglomerate Zorlu Holding.

The World Bank Group has been a long-time partner in the development of power sector in Turkey. Since 2008, IFC consistently continues to support the sector with a series of high impact projects. IFC has financed over 5GW capacity generation by investing or mobilizing more than $3 billion in the Turkish power sector. Turkey is IFC’s second-largest country exposure globally and IFC’s office in Istanbul, established 30 years ago, is one of its largest outside Washington, D.C. providing services across regions.

The EBRD is a major investor in Turkey. Since 2009 it has invested €10 billion in various sectors of the Turkish economy, with almost all investments in the private sector. Earlier this year it invested in the debut bond issuance by Zorlu Osmangazi, the OEDAS parent company.

FMO has long term relations with several key players in the Turkish industry and financial sector. During the last few years, FMO’s Energy Department increased its focus on renewable energy projects. The investments as executed by Zorlu Osmangazi and OEDAS also contribute, among others, to improved state-of-art, more efficient (i.e. reducing losses and CO2-emissions) electrical grids and distribution systems, more smart metering and a dedicated, professional approach to facilitating and managing the intermittency of wind-, solar and hydro powered projects in Turkey.