news - FMO receives high sustainability ratings


FMO receives high sustainability ratings

November 14, 2014

FMO came out number 1 out of a peer group of 238 financial institutions on sustainability. The report was produced in October 2014 by the highly-respected rating agency Sustainalytics, which gave FMO an overall sustainability score of 85, a mark significantly higher than the average sector score just below 60.


Source: Sustainalytics report, October 2014

On all three themes, Environmental, Social and Governance, FMO was industry leader in the group Diversified Financials. Sustainalytics concluded that FMO has strong ESG policies and procedures that are implemented effectively. This rating further demonstrates FMO’s commitment to sustainability and responsible investment.

FMO also received a rating from the German rating agency oekom research that classified FMO as “Prime” with a B-score. This means that, also according to oekom research, FMO is among the leaders within its industry with regard to sustainability. The other leading financial institutions are the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (also score B) and KfW Bankengruppe (score B-). You can read the report here:


Oekom research concluded with two strengths of FMO: that FMO has comprehensive programmes regarding lending to companies and projects with high social benefit and FMO’s sound integration of environmental and social aspects into its lending business.