news - FMO's reaction to the announcement of legal action against FMO


FMO's reaction to the announcement of legal action against FMO

May 16, 2018

Berta Cáceres was a highly respected defender of human rights whose murder is a tragedy. We express our deepest sympathies to her family and friends. We reiterate our call on the Honduran authorities to bring those responsible for this terrible crime to justice.

We understand that legal action will be announced against FMO, in connection with our former financing relationship with the Agua Zarca hydro-electric project. FMO is a development bank that empowers entrepreneurs to build a better world, sometimes under the most difficult circumstances. FMO commissioned an independent expert mission, acted upon its findings to reduce community tensions and exited the project.

We are deeply committed to respecting human rights in all of our projects. FMO recognises the right to a legal process and trusts that the courts will confirm that FMO acted in good faith.