news - Over USD 200 million of Transactions Signed at Future of Finance Conference 2018


Over USD 200 million of Transactions Signed at Future of Finance Conference 2018

October 2, 2018

At the Future of Finance Conference 2018 in Utrecht, finanical experts and organisations gathered to share insights and visions. On 1 October, at the end of the first conference day, there was a signing ceremony where transactions and partnerships were signed that contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Access Bank: A Capacity Development Partnership was signed to increase women's access to finance in Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda & Zambia

Ameriabank: A EUR 40 million Senior Loan was signed to finance green projects in Armenia. For more information, see this Press Release

FinDev Canada: A Memorandum of Understanding was signed to promote the Sustainable Development Goals. For more information, see this Press Release

I&M Bank: A USD 40 million Senior Loan was signed to support SME finance in Kenya. For more information, see this Press Release

Nations Trust Bank: A USD 50 million Senior Syndicated Loan tombstone to finance businesses in Sri Lanka. For more information, see this Press Release

Northern Arc: Term sheet of USD 30 million Non Convertible Debentures for green lending and long term financing in India

Sudameris: A 7,5 % Equity Stake in Sudameris Bank was signed. For more information, see this Press Release

Unibank: A USD 10 million Senior Loan to finance women entrepreneurs in Armenia was signed