news - FMO and Finnfund's initial reaction to the Gaipe report


FMO and Finnfund's initial reaction to the Gaipe report

November 2, 2017

On 6 July 2017, FMO and Finnfund finalized their exit from the Agua Zarca project in Honduras. Following the murder of Berta Cáceres, a well-respected human rights activist, FMO and Finnfund publicly expressed the deepest sorrow at her violent death. We have called upon the Honduran authorities for a thorough investigation and continue this call to hold those responsible to account.

FMO and Finnfund strongly reject any claim of illegality regarding our role in any project. At all times, we operate within the applicable legal framework. It is important to note that we were never consulted for the Gaipe report and we do not recognise the allegations we have come across. We will now study the report in more detail and consider our next steps.

We are development institutions. We partner with others to invest in local prosperity because we care about people; so much so that we invest in countries where prosperity is not a given.

Therefore, FMO and Finnfund condemn all kind of violence, do not tolerate illegal conduct and are serious about respecting human rights.

To that end, FMO published its updated human rights position statement as part of its Sustainability Policy, following an internal review and consultation wih our stakeholder community. This new position statement is a firm commitment to respect human rights. In practice, this means that we explicitly and systematically address human rights in our due diligence and across our investment process.

We cannot stress enough that we too want justice to prevail so that those responsible will be held to account through a fair trial.