news - Thessa Menssen steps down from FMO’s Supervisory Board


Thessa Menssen steps down from FMO’s Supervisory Board

December 23, 2021

Mrs. Thessa Menssen (1967) is stepping down as member of FMO’s Supervisory Board as per January 1, 2022. Appointed on May 20, 2016, Menssen has been member of the Supervisory Board for over five years.

Thessa Menssen: “While I am excited about taking a new path after serving for over five years on FMO’s Supervisory Board, it is with regret that I announce my decision, and sooner after my re-appointment than I had envisaged. With amongst others the Management Board starting in a new setting, the KYC remediation nearing its completion by the end of this year, and the Dutch business activities transferred to Invest International, I wish the organization all the best and want to thank my fellow Supervisory Board members for their partnership.”

Dirk Jan van den Berg, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at FMO: “Needless to say we regret to see Thessa leave as a valued member of the Supervisory Board. We have highly valued Thessa’s knowledge and experience and her critical mind in the Audit & Risk Committee. We are thankful that Thessa laid the groundwork for the Impact Committee and has chaired this committee with enthusiasm during the past few years. We started a search for a new member and hope to find a suitable candidate in due time and wish Thessa the best in current and future endeavours.”

Before FMO, Thessa Menssen served as member of the Executive Board of Royal BAM Group in the Netherlands from 2012 until 2018. Before joining Royal BAM Group, she held senior positions at Unilever and The Port of Rotterdam. She currently holds several other supervisory positions: Supervisory Board member of Alliander, Supervisory Board member of Ecorys, Supervisory Board member of the Kröller Müller museum, Supervisory Board member of Ordina and Supervisory Board member of the Scheepvaartmusem (National Maritime Museum).