news - Climate Insurance Programme Launched for Africa & Asia


Climate Insurance Programme Launched for Africa & Asia

January 18, 2018

Over 690,000 families totalling up to four million people living in six low-income countries stand to benefit from a new climate insurance programme launched today by VisionFund International, World Vision’s microfinance arm and Global Parametrics, a new venture funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) and by the InsuResilience Investment Fund, set up by German development bank KfW and managed by Swiss-based impact investment manager BlueOrchard Finance.

Financing for the initial preparation and assessment required to implement the programme came from the Rockefeller Foundation and FMO, the Dutch development bank.  FMO's funding comes from MASSIF, the fund FMO manages on behalf of the Dutch Government.

Source: VisionFund Press release