If you have a complaint you can inform us about the problem in writing by letter or by filling out the online form on this page.
When you file a complaint, the Complaints Office will send you an acknowledgement of receipt within five working days. Please be aware that, depending on the nature of the complaint, the handling may take some time. We will keep you informed intermittently on the progress made in finding a suitable solution to your problem.
You may submit your complaint in writing to our office:
Head of Complaints Office
Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V.
P.O. Box 93060
2509 AB The Hague
The Netherlands
E complaintsoffice@fmo.nl
Make sure to include the following:
For more expedient settlement of your complaint, please also include a copy (copies) of information related to - or relevant for - your complaint.