Everything you need to know about the DFC-MASSIF COVID-19 Response Co-Financing Facility.
What is the MASSIF Fund and what makes it special?
MASSIF is FMO’s financial inclusion fund. We focus on small businesses and micro-entrepreneurs, women, and youth entrepreneurs, as well as supporting innovations in inclusive business. Through MASSIF, FMO is able to invest earlier on in the investment process, taking on more risks than other parties and therefore catalysing potential new investors at a greater rate.
Through this financial vehicle, MASSIF can further finance local financial intermediaries and institutions that can contribute to the development of our target end-beneficiaries.
Why are FMO and DFC partnering together? What is the Co-Financing Facility?
The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and FMO, the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank, have partnered in the DFC-MASSIF COVID-19 Response Co-Financing Facility.to support micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. We bring liquidity to financial intermediaries who can service MSMEs and help promote new investments to support economic sustainability in developing countries. Within the Facility we focus on low-income countries and underserved groups like women, youth, and entrepreneurs active in agriculture or rural areas.
How much is available?
In sum USD 75 million is available for on lending. Of this, DFC will contribute up to USD 50 million (67%) while MASSIF will allocate the remaining USD 25 million (33%).
For how long will funding be available?
The funding will be available up to December 2026. The application deadline for interested applicants is March 2023.
What financial instruments are available?
Senior unsecured loans tailored to meet the needs of our customers. The minimum loan amount is set at USD 1 million. We will customize the repayment structure, tenor and use of funds based on the needs of the applicant.
How can I qualify for funding? / What criteria do I need to meet?
We have selected a number of countries out of the general MASSIF list to develop an eligible country list. Financial intermediaries operating in one of these countries and who are aligned to MASSIF’s investment focus are welcome to contact us for an assessment.
To learn more about our custom-tailored funding opportunities, please contact us using our contact form.