Blended finance


Blended Finance

Bridging public and private funding to create opportunities for entrepreneurs. We foster partnerships with public donors and large private foundations.

FMO builds partnerships and develops innovative public funds and blended finance programs. We use public funding to catalyze impactful investments in high-risk sectors and countries where entrepreneurs need it the most.

Fostering partnerships to catalyze high-impact investments

We bridge public and private funding, creating innovative financing solutions that support high-risk, but impactful businesses and projects to become bankable and ready for scale up. 

With our donor partners’ financing, we can cover the higher risks that are associated with impactful projects and businesses in fragile economies or sectors, such as forestry or nature-based solutions.

We focus on sectors that are fundamental in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals:

Financial Inclusion Renewable energy Agribusiness, food & forestry
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Hamkor Bank | Uzbbekistan

In 2012, we supported privately-owned Hamkor Bank with Dutch public funding, helping it grow into a leader in financing micro, small, and medium enterprises. Since 2022, FMO has financed the bank from its own balances sheet and mobilized  investors through a syndicated loan.

Walo Storage | Senegal  
With a EUR 8mln loan from one of our public funds, FMO provided a total EUR 19mln long- term loan to Walo Energy Storage, the first battery storage project in West Africa. This project helps to stabilize Senegal’s local grid and reduce power outages.

HPW Fresh & Dry | Ghana

HPW is a responsible producer of tropical dried fruits and snacks, working with many smallholder farmers in Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, and Burkina Faso. We financed the company's working capital and supported the expansion of its Ghana factory to meet growing international demand for dried fruits.

At a glance

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Fostering partnerships

We have been a pioneer in designing and managing partnerships for innovative public and blended financing to support entrepreneurs and projects for more than 20 years. We unlock financing and technical assistance for impactful businesses that are scalable but do not yet qualify for financing from Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).

Our public funds and guarantee programs pave the way for DFIs and other impact investors by using concessional funding from our donor partners, such as the Dutch and British government and the European Commission to lower investment risks when they are considered too high.

We have raised and manage more than EUR 2.8 billion in public funds, blended finance programs, and sub-delegated fund mandates.

Raising capital for third-party impact investors

We are the only Development Finance Institution that uses its accreditations to raise funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission and the Green Climate Fund to mobilize capital on behalf of third parties using sub-delegation. So far, we have raised EUR 1.3 billion through sub-delegation.

Trusted partners:

ministry-of-foreign-affairs-of-the-netherlands-vector-logo European commission Green_Climate_Fund.svg UK government DFC logo

Our track record in blended finance

From the emergence of blended finance, FMO has been at the forefront initiating new funding structures to mobilize capital for high-impact businesses and projects. We follow the industry’s widely accepted DFI Enhanced Blended Concessional Finance Principles for Private Sector Projects such as, using minimum concessionality, focusing on addressing market failures and contributing to commercial viability of projects to prevent market distortion and the crowding out of local capital providers.

In the league tables of Convergence, the global network for blended finance, we are one of the most active Development Finance Institutions in blended finance. We ranked number 1 in blended financial services deals by commitment between 2018-2023, number 3 in agriculture blended finance in the same period, and we are one of the most frequent investors in climate mitigation blended finance transactions.

It is our ambition to help mobilize more commercial investors using blended finance. An examle is the USD 1.1 billion SDG Loan Fund, one of the largest blended finance funds in the market to date, managed by FMO Investment Management.

Innovating finance

With Building Prospects we were in 2002 the first DFI to manage revolving donor funding, creating an ongoing cycle of investments and funding by reinvesting loan repayments and returns in new projects. Over the years, the program combining Dutch government funding with our bank funding continues to play a critical role in developing off-grid energy and more recently forestry in developing markets.

More than 40% of our funding supports companies that we labelled as green, and 56% towads reducing inequalities. This means they are expected to contribute to specific green activities and/or reduced inequalities. More than half of our donor funding (56%) goes to the Least Developed Countries. 

Our public funds and guarantee programs also provide technical assistance to make higher-risk markets and sectors investable by helping to remove key investment barriers, either by offering direct support to companies or to organizations or programs that work on improving the investment ecosystem. FMO has now made such market creation initiatives a strategic priority. This will widen the opportunities for us to invest and contribute to the SDGs.

Let’s increase our impact together

We are ready to double our capital mobilization in the coming years. Join us in our mission of spurring economic growth, creating jobs and building resilience in communities that have historically been underserved. We are seeking partnerships with public donors and large private foundations. Together, we can build a fairer and more resilient future.

Please contact us using this web form.

Picture is of our Nasira investment in Bank Al Etihad in Jordan

Public funds

Funds managed by EDFI Management Company

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