about FMO


Banking for a better world

FMO is the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank. It is our mission to enable entrepreneurs to increase inclusive and sustainable prosperity.

We invest in over 85 countries, supporting jobs and income generation in order to improve people’s lives in the parts of the world where we can make the biggest difference. Our role extends beyond financing, as we help businesses to operate and grow transparently in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

With our clients serving millions of customers, their adoption of good practices will have a broad positive impact on local development. They create jobs, provide people with an income, generate taxes and contribute to a healthy private sector. 

Through our approach, we aim to demonstrate to other investors that strong financial returns and positive impact in developing economies and emerging markets can go hand-in-hand. Our success in higher-risk markets provides them with the confidence to get on board, allowing us to mobilize more funding for our clients.

Working with partners ranging from our partner European Development Finance Institutions (EDFIs) to civil society organizations and investors, we serve the many entrepreneurs all over the world who have set up and built their companies to contribute to positive change.

Through our financing and investments, we enhance our and others’ impact and can contribute to a sustainable society on a liveable planet. We support the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aim to contribute to their achievement through our mission and activities.

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  • Profile

    Discover more about us, our culture and how we’re organized.

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  • Results and Reports

    We publish an integrated annual report that provides insight in how we create value for our stakeholders.

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  • Ratings

    FMO has an AAA rating with a stable outlook from both Fitch and Standard &Poor's.

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  • Strategy

    We have recently updated our long-term strategy towards 2030. 

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Corporate Governance

We are a public-private development bank supervised by the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) with a clear governance structure and reporting lines.

  • Management Board

    Our Management Board is responsible for defining and achieving FMO’s strategy, business and financial objectives, and development impact.

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  • Supervisory Board

    The Supervisory Board oversees the policy of the Management Board, developments at FMO, its business and its development impact.

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  • Shareholders

    Shareholders have core powers, including – but not limited to – decisions on statutory changes, legal mergers and adoption of the annual accounts.

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  • Governance codes and regulations

    FMO adheres voluntarily to The Dutch Corporate Governance code for listed banks and applies the modern Dutch Banking Code to the functioning and operation of the Management and Supervisory Boards.

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  • Articles of Association

    Articles of Association are applicable to FMO’s operations, its associates and the bylaws of its corporate governance structure.

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